O truque inteligente de x-men 97 qubra records no retorno a disney plus que ninguém é Discutindo

The show follows directly on from that classic show and follows a band of mutants who use their uncanny gifts to protect a world that hates and fears them, are challenged like never before, and are forced to face a dangerous and unexpected new future.

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exhibits through its episodic and overarching storylines. This isn't a hard reset. Rather a soft reboot that pursues unresolved plot threads, as well as building on established character arcs, left over from X:TAS

A sinopse oficial divulgada pela Marvel Studios revela: “Ao longo da história do Wakanda, bravos guerreiros foram encarregados do viajar pelo mundo recuperando artefatos perigosos do vibranium. Esta é a história deles.”

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"X-Men '97" revisits the iconic era of the 1990s as The X-Men, a band of mutants who use their uncanny gifts to protect a world that hates and fears them, are challenged like never before, forced to face a dangerous and unexpected new future.

La serie animada tiene 10 episodios, los cuales se estrenan cada miércoles desde el 20 do marzo. Los Destes primeros ya están disponibles y el último llegará a Disney Plus el 15 de mayo. En la nota te contamos la fecha do lanzamiento do cada uno.

There aren’t many more details to share about X-Men ’97 yet, but we’ll almost certainly hear more about the project between now and 2023. Since Disney acquired 20th Century Fox, the X-Men movies have been in a state of limbo.

Apresentado tais como 1 membro fundador dos X-Men em 1963, Ciclope a todos os momentos foi mostrado saiba como um personagem capaz por disparar rajadas por seus olhos.

Disney+ Day 2021 is here, and it’s kicking into high gear with brand new announcements coming out of the Marvel Cinematic Universe with what’s to come from the streaming service.

While trying to live up to Xavier's legacy, Magneto has taken to saving humans and mutants alike and refraining from killing anti-mutant militants. Distrustful of him, Cyclops and Jean stay to observe Magneto while Rogue sympathizes with his struggles. When UN forces led by Valerie Cooper arrive at the Institute to arrest Magneto for his past terrorism, he surrenders peacefully, hoping to gain the X-Men and humanity's trust. During his trial at the UN's headquarters, the Friends of Humanity stage an assault on the building. Their leader X-Cutioner attempts to shoot a por-powering radiation blast at Magneto, but Storm takes the hit for him.

Hopefully, with the interest in the first trailer, this will mean more people check out the show when it arrives on Disney+.

Em meio a uma guerra entre humanos e inteligência artificial, Joshua é recrutado para localizar e matar o Criador a fonte – misterioso arquiteto responsável por desenvolver uma arma capaz por acabar com este confronto e com toda a humanidade.

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